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A while ago Rob was sent a parcel packed full of lovely goodies that can’t be found easily in Britain from a friend in Canada. I am afraid we ate what she sent so quickly that I can’t even remember the rest of the goodies now! But one thing that we have kept hold of is a big bag of Reeses Peanut Butter Chips!


I love peanut butter, and we go through jars of it like nobody’s business. I normally just have it on toast but my favourite method of peanut butter consumption is slathering it on pancakes with a layer of nutella and sliced banana on top. Delicious!

We had used some of the peanut butter chips in a brownie mix that worked very well, (Peanut butter and chocolate just go together) but since then we haven’t done much with them.

This last weekend I thought I would use them as inspiration and combine them with the Pinstrosity November Challenge.

November’s challenge from the Pinstrosity team was to use Pinterest inspiration and ‘Pay it Forward‘ with an act of kindness. I thought it made sense to use the peanut butter chips because I could use a kind gift someone had given me and use it bless someone else and pay it forward.

The plan was simple. Bake peanut butter chips cookies and share them out with people! Easy!



I scoured Pinterest for ages…ok maybe twenty minutes and found lots of peanut butter cookie recipes but all of them were American recipes with American measurements and ingredients.  I know there are conversion charts out there for measurements but I am easily confused! Plus I know that ingredients can differ from country to country and that might alter the results; American chocolate and British chocolate are very different animals!

In the end I cheated and used this triple chocolate cookie recipe from the BBC Food website and substituted half the chocolate chips with peanut butter chips.



One fantastic tip in this recipe was to use an ice cream scoop to dish out even lumps of cookie dough onto the baking trays. I am using that trick again!



Each tray took just less than ten minutes to bake making it a quick and easy recipe to whip up!


Here they are fresh out of the oven. I tried to get a chewy texture but it was more crunchy on the edges, chewy in the middle which is not without its charms. The flavour was very sweet and the peanut butter worked really well mixed in with all that chocolate!

The recipe made about 30 cookies. I took a full tin with me early to church for the worship team to snack on during soundcheck. The next day Rob and I took a batch each and shared them around our offices. There were none left by Monday home time, which I guess is a sign of a successful bake.


My only regret is that I never sat down and had one with a glass of milk, think I’ll have to just do another batch!